Here is a summary of our admission procedure to guide you in enrolling your child in our school.

If you are reading this, there is no dought that you are considering applying to the school. Well its simple just click on apply now now below, put in your details complete all the field and the pay ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (₦1,500) online or using our offline payment details.

Payment Information

You can pay the entrance examination fees securely online or use the bank etails provided below

Please use your child(ren)s' name as a payment reference to enable us to allocate and update your account promptly.

If you prefer to pay in person in our Accounts Office, you can do so by using POS or by bank draft.

For direct bank transfer, our bank account details are below. Please use your child(ren)s' name as a payment reference to enable us to allocate and update your account promptly.

Bank Name: Union Bank PLC
Account Name: Divine Vision International School
Anthony Campus Account Number: 0062kg082425